Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford


baby Callum turned five months old yesterday.

I’ve been playing a bit with Blosxom. It is a very cool weblogging program that stores entries as text files (so that you can use a text editor to make an entry) and uses directory trees to indicate heirarchy. I have a few unused domain names that I wouldn’t mind putting online – I might use Blosxom to create these sites.

Newman’s Own makes some pretty good pasta sauces. The Hot & Spicy and Sockarooni sauces are the best of the lot, I think. They serve well as a base for a good sauce – if you add some meat and some vegetables to these sauces they manage to maintain their spicyness. They go especially well with cheese tortellini, I find. A lot of the cheaper sauces out there end up tasting like bland, mushy tomatoes and ruin an otherwise good meal.

that is all.

7 thoughts on “5

  • YAY for BABY!

    You might want to try the Mario Batali sauces (not dissin’ Newman, he ownz too (I need to beat the l33t out of me) but Batali makes a great sweet garlic and fennel sauce that is just awesome it manages to lack the Jar taste.

    • CYOOOOOOOTE kitten.

      also, newmans own makes good salad dressing.

  • Can we put the sauce on the baby and have him for brunch?! 😀

    No, seriously, you should be punished for having such a cute kid, dude.

  • The only Newman’s Own I ever tried was a Caesar dressing thatw as just awful. Way too much Worcester sauce. Might want to avoid that.

  • I make a garlic and fennel-based sauce from scratch, myself. But I agree with about sauces, though, I too like the Newman’s Own (once you add stuff to it).

    Very cute baby pix, btw.


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