Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

9 thoughts on “something very cool

    • options – the option to work anywhere in the EU, and to travel visa-free to other places that Canadians would need a visa to enter.

    • my father is British, and I am a Commonwealth citizen (from Canada), so all I had to do was to send away some documents (such as my father’s proof of nationality, my original birth certificate, etc) and they sent me back a passport. Pretty cool.

        • probably 🙂

          oh the memories. I still remember saying “uh, you guys go without me.”

          aside from almost getting stranded in Quebec, that trip was a lot of fun! Does your cousin still live in Montreal?

          • Nope! She got married, joined the Army, and is now in med school in Boston. We either call her “Sgt. Pepper” (although that’s not her real rank) or “Dr. Pepper.”

  • Let’s go to the suck… I mean, to the DMV. You can wave your new passport at them.


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