Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

Vancouver 2010 Olympics medals per capita, final tally

a few days ago while the 2010 Olympics were in progress I posted this tally of how many Olympic medals countries were earning per million people, to help to gauge how countries were performing compared to the number of potential athletes available to choose from. Now that the Olympics are over I’ve updated the tally, and here it is:

  1. Norway: 23 medals, 4,769,274 population, 4.823 mpm (medals per million)
  2. Austria: 16 medals, 8,344,319 population, 1.917 mpm
  3. Sweden: 11 medals, 9,220,986 population, 1.193 mpm
  4. Canada: 26 medals, 33,311,389 population, 0.781 mpm
  5. Germany: 30 medals, 82,140,043 population, 0.365 mpm
  6. Korea: 14 medals, 48,607,000 population, 0.288 mpm
  7. France: 11 medals, 62,048,473 population, 0.177 mpm
  8. United States: 37 medals, 304,059,724 population, 0.122 mpm
  9. Russian Federation: 15 medals, 141,800,000 population, 0.106 mpm
  10. China: 11 medals, 1,325,639,982 population, 0.008 mpm

and just for fun, here’s a quick chart that gives a graphical representation of how it turned out:

2010 Olympic medals per capita

I realize that the results are skewed – some countries have a lot more snow than other countries, and therefore a lot more of an interest in winter sports – but regardless, I found this an interesting exercise. At any rate I’m pretty pleased at Canada’s performance on a per capita basis during these Olympics, though you can see from the chart that Norway totally crushed it!

4 thoughts on “Vancouver 2010 Olympics medals per capita, final tally

  • Pingback: Brian Crawford » who has the most medals per capita?

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  • And the Netherlands? Eight medals in total, with a population of about 16.5 million would put the Netherlands at #5 in your list. Countries have been neglected in this list; I don’t think the U.S. is actually even in the top 10.

  • good point j.y.s – I only took the list from the top 10 medal winners, and then did the per capita based on those. There are probably many small countries that got one or two medals, that on a per capita basis did much better than China. So you’re absolutely right that my results do not tell the whole story!


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