Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

good times

went to a law/business/medical school Halloween party at the Armory last night – it was pretty fun. See if you can find me in this picture:

on another note, I had another MRI this morning. Once again they rolled my body into a big metal cylinder and subjected me to a half-hour series of sonar pulses. Once I was situated in there the MRI machine started going clickety-clickety clack and thrumming loudly, and then all of a sudden it started squelching out short, loud sequential buzzing noises. After a while of this I was like, hey this is a pretty catchy tune. So I’m sort of in there grooving to the beat of the MRI machine, when I think to myself… what the heck does this say about my musical tastes?

7 thoughts on “good times

  • I’ve had three MRIs, and I always found them incredibly relaxing – meditative, even. Something about the confined space, dim light, and soul-shaking bassy noises was really nice.


  • well, the noises aren’t the point of the machine… i figure someday they’ll find a way to make them quieter or silent. hope it went well…

  • Oh, prom queen, no doubt about it! What a costume too! I almost couldn’t tell.

  • I had an MRI once – and I did notice the noises, but mostly they just put me to sleep. I had a nice nap while in the tube!


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