Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

the tale of the teeth

This evening, Amelia lost her third top front tooth. She’s been missing one of her two front teeth for several years now; she had to have it pulled while we were living in Charleston. A few days ago, her second tooth fell out (though the tooth fairy apparently didn’t hear about it until a few days after she’d stuck it under her pillow, as she was late showing up with the change). Then, this evening, a third tooth fell out while she was playing. I told her to tell her friends at school that she’d gotten into a Kung Fu fight.

While Amelia learned to speak normally with a single tooth missing, and while losing the second tooth seem didn’t make much difference, she doesn’t seem to be able to make a solid S sound with three teeth gone. I have to admit, I hope it takes a while for her teeth to grow in, because it sounds awfully cute. Though don’t tell her I said that.

So for memory’s sake, here are some pictures of the progression.

Here’s a picture of Amelia from a couple of weeks ago, with a single tooth missing:

One tooth missing
One tooth missing

Here’s Amelia yesterday, with two teeth missing. She’s holding a nest that she made for the Easter bunny to take a nap in while he was out delivering eggs.

Two teeth missing
Two teeth missing

And here’s Amelia just now, three teeth gone… that’s a decent-sized gap.

Three teeth missing
Three teeth missing

I’d post a video of Amelia speaking, but I’d probably get in trouble for it. So instead, I’ll just wish everyone a “Happy Eathter!”

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