Raccoon cubs
The other day I was on a morning walk with Lilou, our Shetland Sheepdog, when I came across a neighbor poking around in his front yard. Apparently he had found three raccoon cubs (or raccoon kits? Either way, they were baby raccoons). He hadn’t been able to find the mother raccoon. The baby raccoons were pretty nervous to have us watching them – I suppose I would be, too. For the most part they hid in the bushes beside house and attempted to remain inconspicuous.
Naturally I took Lilou home, got out my camera, and headed back to the neighbor’s house to take a few pictures. I managed to get a few good ones before my camera’s battery ran out – oops.
I went back again the next day to see if the raccoon cubs were still hanging around the neighbor’s yard, but they were nowhere to be found.