Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford


after my final on Friday Yvonne and I took a trip to Wilmington, North Carolina to meet up with Yvonne’s two brothers, Robert and Fronz, plus Robert’s roommate Gerry, to celebrate Robert’s birthday on Saturday. We took a tour of the Bellamy Mansion and ate at Circa 1922, a Tapas style dining restaurant. This morning we spent some time at Wrightsville Beach and returned to Columbia early this afternoon.

Callum really enjoyed playing in the sand and he even met a little girl named Dana, a few months his elder, who was also playing on the beach this morning and had just been read a story about a little girl who met a little boy on the beach and became friends – she was adamant about hanging out with Callum the entire morning.

It was very nice to catch up with Robert, Fronz and Gerry since we do not see them very often. Right now Yvonne is baking some pecan bars – when they are finished we might eat a few of those and watch a couple of Stargate SG-1 DVDs that a fellow student lent us.

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