Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

baguettes for everyone

I am back in France. The trip was long (from 8AM EST yesterday until about 5PM France time today) and arduous (highlights included sitting in a tiny plane on the runway at Pearson for an hour and a half, and sitting in the train station in Paris for a good three and a half hours – I would have done some good old fashioned ‘splorin’, but I had my suitcases and was already oh so tired).

more news later (when something happens)!

6 thoughts on “baguettes for everyone

  • Yay for safe arrival!

    Boo for long travel time!

    You should let us know where you are so we can find it on a map and point and go “BRIAN!”

    • You know you’re just going to use the map to point at the SBux near the house. 😉

      Glad you had a safe trip, Bri 🙂

    • yeah man… get setup on

      • I set up a resource at our cottage in Ontario the other week – did it show up? Haven’t checked it since!

        • Yeah the Ontario bulb was lit last week. I can’t seem to find you in France.

  • Glad to hear you made it back to France safely, Bri. Keep us updated on how things are going there and at home. Mwah!


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