Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

the region in photos

I haven’t posted a lot of pictures lately, so I figured that today I’d write a bit of a photo-journal and include a few photos here so that people might see what we’ve been up to and what the region around Clermont-Ferrand looks like.

a few weekends ago we went up to Super Besse, a ski hill in the region. Here is a picture of Callum and I tobogganing down the hill. He really loved it!

the following weekend we went to Montpeyroux, a medieval village considered one of the most beautiful in France. We had a good lunch at le Donjon, where we at pizza and crepes. The pizza was called Auvergnat Pizza, and included the highlights of the region – Bleu d’Auvergne and St-Nectaire cheeses, ham, and potatoes. It was definitely one of the best pizzas I have ever tasted! Here is a picture of Von and Cal by the medieval tower in the center of the village.

the weekend after that we went to St-Floret, another very quaint town in the region. Here is a bridge in the center of town, and here are some rapids, capped with ice, below the bridge. Finally, here is a picture I took of an alley behind the church and just below the castle that towers over the village.

during our drive, I took this picture of our car – here in a much better location than in our boring garage!

this weekend, we went to Le Puy en Velay, one of the coolest places I have seen. It is a town nestled between some very spectacular volcanic spires, and it happens to be a primary pilgrimage site for Catholics. Here is a a 10th century chapel, le Chapelle St-Michel-d’Aiguilhe, that is built on such a volcanic spire. I find it amazing that people in the 10th century were even able to make it up the spire, let alone build a chapel on it!

here is a picture of me and a pirate. Yarr.

and here is le Puy en Velay from the road. It was a foggy day today, and it shows, but you can still make out the town.

anyway, there you have a journal of some of our adventures in Auvergne. As a bonus, here are some pictures of me and some friends working hard on a project for school. We got bored of working in the library and decided to move to the bar across the street! Surprisingly enough we even managed to get our work done!

finally, as she’s been left out of the pictures so far, here is a picture of Amelia, who is just plain happy to be Amelia.

18 thoughts on “the region in photos

  • I envy your living in a place with history. Those pix are awesome, and YAY HAPPY BABY! You look happy, Brian. Love to you and the happy awesome family. *hug*

  • Very cool, thanks for the photo tour! Did you get your camera questions answered in time?

    • I did, thanks! I looking into the Canon Digital Rebel – seems like a great camera for the money. Those pictures are taken with a $100 Kodak from Walmart – great for the price, but some better hardware might do me well!

  • Wow, so awesome there!

    When do you end up in Ireland again? I must start planning visitation! 😀

  • Wow. Those are pretty awesome. I especially like the chapel. I don’t suppose I could convince you to email me the original picture in all its non-reduced glory? I’d love that as a background on my computer.

  • Wow.

    Those are wonderful pics! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    I can’t imagine being somewhere as beautiful, or as cold! 🙂


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