Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

San Antonio

since my last post we have moved to San Antonio, Texas, where we are living in the same neighborhood as Yvonne’s sister’s family – a short walk to their place. We bought a new house, sight unseen (though we knew pretty much what it would be like as it shares the same floorplan as Yvonne’s sister’s house, only in reverse), and after closing on the house via UPS in Ontario we drove down with only a carload of stuff, buying furniture upon arrival in town.

so far we’ve been having a great time, and the kids have really benefited from living near their cousins – Yvonne’s sister and her husband have three kids, a boy older than Callum, another boy of an age in between Callum and Amelia’s, and a girl younger than Mia. So they are perfectly spread out! We have been taking advantage of living in the area – we’ve been to Sea World and Six Flags Fiesta Texas numerous times, went peach picking in Fredericksburg, walked along the Riverwalk, and of course eaten our share of Tex Mex.

here are a few pictures from the past several months:

Callum and Mia pointing at me as I walked through the door of my parents’ place. My father took this picture right as I walked through the door. It’s nice to be appreciated!

Callum, Mia and I at the Festival of Lights parade at Disneyworld. We went to Disneyworld for a week and a half over Christmas and had a great time.

Callum and I on a CN steam locomotive in Haliburton, Ontario. From when we were staying at our cottage earlier this year.

Mimi getting acquainted with some horses in Faraday, Ontario. We went to a winter fair in early March where they had, among other things, free sleigh rides – it seemed fitting!

Mia in her apple outfit at a presentation at Callum’s pre-school. Callum attended pre-school for two mornings a week here in San Antonio and all of the pre-school classes performed in a little show when the spring term was over. Mimi was just happy to see all the balloons.

Callum and the Geotrax trains. These trains actually on loan from Yvonne’s sister’s kids. Callum loves playing with them! And as our house is a lot bigger than the amount of stuff we have to put in it, the “living room” is serving as a train and toy room.

and that’s all for now!

10 thoughts on “San Antonio

  • Been wondering where you’ve been! CUTE kids. 🙂

  • Cool, dude. I’m in Austin now, let me know if you want to hang out in town sometime!

  • Okay, dude, seriously. You’ve got the most beautiful family ever.

    HOWEVER. You post every time that you move. Country to country to country. *shakes you* POST MORE!


  • Cool. Maybe I can finally meet you when I go home to visit my folks in SA.

  • Glad to hear from you, B. 🙂 Been a while and of course, you are a heck of a way away from us so we’ll have to figure out when we can get together.

  • Wow! Big change! I was there last fall. Nice area. 🙂

  • So great to hear from you! The pictures are great. I’m glad things are settling out well for you. 🙂

  • You people are globetrotters extraordinaire. I have no idea where you get the energy.


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