Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford

Birds and dragonflies

My father got himself a new DSLR camera just before his cruise along the scenic rivers of Germany and the Netherlands with my mother (they’re over there now). As a result, he gave me his old Nikon DSLR, including a telephoto lens, for which I am very grateful. Let the fun begin!

This afternoon I went for a walk around Lake Rianhard in Celebration, where there are usually plenty of birds and insects native to Central Florida, some turtles, and occasionally a few alligators. I didn’t see any alligators today, but I did see plenty of herons, egrets, and dragonflies. Naturally I brought the camera along and popped on the telephoto lens to try my hand at taking a few pictures. The telephoto doesn’t have an auto-focus, which made it more challenging to use, but also more fun to play around with.

Green dragonfly
A green dragonfly on a plant stem.
Blue dragonfly
A blue dragonfly in the marsh.
Dragonfly on a root
A dragonfly on a tree root. You can see a little ant crawling along the root in front of him.
Little Blue Heron
A Little Blue Heron in the reeds.

I’m certainly no professional, but hey, it’s a start. I’m looking forward to getting out there again with the camera someday soon. Maybe there’ll be some alligators next time…!

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