Brian Crawford

The website of Brian Anthony Crawford

Brian Crawford


yesterday was my last day of work. It was a bittersweet moment as I have really enjoyed my time at AIB and made lots of good friends within the hallowed halls of Bankcentre and Donnybrook House. Last night during my walk home the wind and the rain were quite fierce and I got soaked (even though I had packed an umbrella) which is just Ireland’s way of saying “see ya!!”

my family and I have also had an excellent time touring the Irish countryside, which truly is one of the most beautiful places on earth. My final drive through the countryside (for now at least) will be the 3-4 hour trip to Rosslare tomorrow morning where I will catch a ferry to Cherbourg in France. From there I will go to hang out with my friends in Lyon (yay!) and give a presentation for school in Clermont (boo!) and then return to Canada on the 21st.

my NaNoWriMo writing has stalled while I pack up the house, travel and finish a final report for school. Although I am writing a great deal on this report every day it doesn’t technically count for NaNoWriMo and that is too bad. I’m hoping that I will have time after my return to Canada to whip out a good several thousand words. Who knows, I may be able to slip a few in here and there before my return.

tonight my friend Paul is coming over and we’re going to drink a few pints and watch the Premiership on TV. He and his wife Julie have a daughter named Helen and their family and our family got along famously during our 6 months here in Dublin. They will be missed.

2 thoughts on “packing

  • Your level of energy and drive continues to baffle me.

  • Congratulations on your success with this path in life. Good luck on your presentation and have the safest of travels home! Much love!


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