Earth Day
It’s April, and Earth Day is coming up – not really a holiday – and certainly not a vacation day – but a day to take some time to think about our planet, how we as a species treat it, and what things we can do to make life better for all living creatures on Earth.
I am fan of Earth Day as I am a fan of all things natural. That said, I do realize that I tend to spend most of my time sitting indoors. I do try to get out, of course, as it seems do most people. But it would be great if being outdoors in nature was somehow integrated into the fabric of our daily lives as it was for our ancestors. I’m not saying I want to become a farmer, of course – just that the way many modern vocations are designed, people tend to spend a lot of their days out of touch with nature. In the future, as it becomes easier to work anywhere, I predict we’ll see more interesting ways that people will be able to work and play in harmony with our planet.